Companion Champions

About Companion Champions

Many people have been stuck at home due to Covid-19 and in light of recent attacks in London and across the country some are afraid to head out for a walk on their own.

If you’re feeling vulnerable, afraid or isolated, you are not alone. We have partnered with Nextdoor, the neighbourhood app, to connect you with #CompanionChampions: people in your neighbourhood who want to help by going for a walk with you.

Everyone deserves to feel safe and a walk with your neighbours is a great way to connect with and support the people in your community.

We will be kicking off the #CompanionChampions campaign this week. In the meantime please join your neighbourhood on Nextdoor by visiting or download the Nextdoor app for free on either the App Store or Google Play.

In case you’re not familiar, Nextdoor connects you with the people and places in your neighbourhood and the neighbourhoods nearby. Based on proximity instead of preference, Nextdoor confirms that you are who you say you are so you can be sure you are speaking with real people at real addresses in your community.

A recent Nextdoor study revealed knowing as few as six neighbours reduces the likelihood of feeling lonely and is linked to lowering depression and social anxiety related to COVID-19.

In partnership with Nextdoor we look forward to building community connections, combating isolation and fear and helping more Canadians feel safe and know that they have a neighbourhood they can rely on.

More information to come.